life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass
it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Friday, April 22, 2011

solemn day

solemn day
good friday
grass grows ragged high

tulips are a screaming red
with pale white daffies
sitting close by

sleep was good
though the dogs danced
at a little before 6
both lawn mowers need work
so the grass has a reprieve

i have several pieces of yardage to cut
cindy has been productive
in weaving the orders
i must step up to the plate
to finish the job

spring has exploded here
over the last several days
green in so many shades
of pale fresh

i find it hard to move quickly
in the morning
don't want to
simply want to savor the moment

house is so so dusty
construction from the hospital
dogs in and out
has never been this bad

i am off to shower and fluff
tea has grown cold
day must begin

yesterday, i thought i might actually stop in
at corpus christi church sometime today