life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass
it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

sunday sunday

sunday again
late morning

yesterday, a treat, a challenge and a steep learning curve.
the pa.guild offered a workshop on blogging, taught by scoutie girl , tara gentile. wonderful workshop!
first was the mental reassement that websites are not the be all of marketing in the 21st century.
tara pointed out how websites are static interfaces, and how blogs are interactive-simple "duh" concept.

pat beard, dear friend and fellow weaver, and i sat with others, listening, processing and learning.

life seems to move so much more quickly  now.
one seems to blink and it's another day, another week, another month, another season!

today's the spring equinox!
what happened to winter?
i have planted red and white onion sets,
have snow peas along with several varieties of lettuce to bed, hopefully, today.

            wild onions are looking ragged  high
and two daffies bloomed, early to this garden's dance

almost noon
i have been such a slug, still sitting, wrapped in red robe
brain cells running over yesterday's deluge of new information.

off to dance this day

1 comment:

  1. spring equinox indeed; funny how my favourite cat is called scoutie girl...!
