life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass
it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

morning wanders

still in jammies
i know i know
not being a "grown up"
who showered fluffed
and zipped out the door
to make their mark on
the world
or at least
to generate cash
to pay the bills

just made a soup
slowly camelized a sweet onion
shredded white potatoes, carrots
added a sweet one, as well
added garlic, of course
as well as a bit of ginger

had an organic veggie broth,
whose flavor does not quite scintillate
added the last of the spaghetti sauce
a bit of red wine
and a dollop of white corn kernels

it sits
it simmers
while my
mind wanders
this thursday day

1 comment:

  1. Hey, we all need a pj day once in awhile. I did it myself this past ice day. Only problem is, you can get real used to it! ;0)
